"Yes, I remember the woman. She was right; I did enjoy my work in the carpentry shop. She taught me to talk to things."
"If you had not worked as a carpenter, you would not have been able to place your soul outside yourself, to pretend that it is a crow talking, and to understand that you are better and wiser than you believe", came the
reply. "Because it was in the carpentry shop that you discovered the sacred
that is in all things."
"I always took pleasure in pretending to talk to the tables and chairs I built; wasn't that enough? And when I spoke to them, I usually found thoughts that had never entered my head. The woman had told me that it was because I had
put the greater part of my soul into the work, and it was this part that answered me."
"But then, I was beginning to understand that I could serve God in this way, and the angel appeared, and - well you know the rest."
"The angel appeared because you were ready," replied the crow.
"I was a good carpenter."
"It was part of your apprenticeship. When a man journeys toward his
destiny, often he is obliged to change paths. At other times, the forces
around him are too powerful and he is compelled to lay aside his
courage and yield. All this is part of the apprenticeship.
Elijah listened attentively to what his soul was saying.
"But no one can lose sight of what he desires. Even if there are moments
when he believes the world and the others are stronger. The secret is:
do not surrender."
Amen to that Paolo Coelho. But what if I don't know what I desire?
Life is a series of trial-and-error. How will we know if we dont engage and participate? - Perks of Being a Wallflower by Stephen Chbosky
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